Grand Canyon Quotes
“Going down is optional, but going up is mandatory.” –Anya
Yencho, Raleigh
“The Grand Canyon was absolutely indescribable; it’s an
experience that I’ll never forget.” – Bailey Heins, Sanford
“The pictures do not give the amazing scenery any justice.”
Payton Gillespie, Gastonia
“You have to see it for yourself to understand how truly
beautiful the sites are.” Dayton Caldwell, Union
“Its like a backwards mountain.” Reagan Osborne, Gastonia
“ I cried.” Olivia Rogers, Lake Waccamaw.
“It was GRAND.” Caitlyn Harrelson, Gastonia
“The Canyon was so beautiful that it will make you cry.”
Anne Scott Baker, Kings Mountain
“Indescribably stunning.”
Dina Clemente, Mooresville
“Hiking the Grand Canyon made me feel so alive and free,
it’s definitely one the best things I’ve ever done with my life.” Caroline
Hegwer, Sanford
“Absolutely breath-taking, especially after hiking it!”
Morgan Ketchie Mooresville
“Going down was easy ,but going up was no joke” – Kayden
Hunt Charlotte
“Absolutely indescribable” – Gracie Seiler, Mooresville
“An indescribable experience I will never forget” –Mia
Schaefer, Leonardtown
“The most amazing thing I have ever experienced.” –Olivia
Seighman, Monroe
“The prettiest thing ever”. –Gabe Jeffers, Mooresville
“Looking at it made me realize how lucky we really are to be
on this beautiful earth and have such an amazing God.”- Karina Black, Fort Mill
“Yeah it was big.” – Madilyn Hampton, Cherryville
“It almost didn’t look real” –Abby Goldstein, Mooresville
“It was like a million sunsets put into one view” – Clarise
Leitch, Mooresville
“God is truly amazing, beautiful is an understatement” –Mary
Smallwood, Belmont, NC
“I finally pooped for the first time in six days… it was at
the mile and a half point rest stop in the canyon.” – Carson Bennett,
“As Trump says; ‘ it was huge ‘ ” – Reilly Gallagher,
“Words could never describe what I saw today”- Kendick
Boehlke, Belmont
“The most amazing thing I’ve ever seen”- Jana Whicker,
“Sensational” – Cullen Hensley, Statesville
“It rocks.” –Sophie Jurs, Gastonia
“I also cried.” – Abbey Saxton, Mooresville
“I never knew the Earth was so beautiful” – Hiley Smith,
“The best sunrise you’ll ever see!” –Mary Speaks,
“I died a little but it was worth it” –Lauren Gold, Waxhaw
“This was the most incredible experience of my life; 12/10.”
Brice Helms, Marshville
“It was the most stunning thing I have ever seen- it was
unreal.” –Sharidan Farris, Denver
“Most beautiful thing I have ever seen, picture can not
capture the beauty of it.” –Claire Smith, Reidsville
“Pictures cannot even capture the indescribable beauty of
the Grand Canyon! It was awesome!!” – Addi Merritt, Denver
“Breathtaking.” –Meredith Bowman, Lake Wylie
“In the dead heat of summer I got chills looking at the
Grand Canyon.”- Carter Pratt, Raleigh
“The view of the Canyon was so unimaginable that it looked
unreal” –Mady Thomas, Taylorsville
“The one mile down and back up was enough for me but it was
worth it, it was so unreal.”- Alexis Willett, Delco
“It’s amazing imaging how such a simple river can create the
most magnificent sight ever, and makes you realize the incredible work of our
creator” David Efird, Gastonia
“As soon as I saw the canyon I was breathless. Nothing that
I have ever seen could ever compare to it’s uniqueness and beauty.” Leah Smith,
“Beyond anything that I ever pictured in my mind” – Sam
Kaylor, Gastonia
“I hiked two miles I almost died.. but it was worth it” – Morgan Peace, Union SC
“I hiked six miles in the most beautiful thing I’ve ever
seen and then ate a breakfast burrito… my day was GRAND” –Henry Harris Taylor,
“After hiking the Grand Canyon I took a Grand deuce” –Connor
Cook, Marshville
“It was cool’. Gabe Jeffers, Mooresville
It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.
“Unfathomably mesmerizing” – Jackson Lamb, Sanford, NC
“Pictures nor words can describe the vast beauty of the
grand canyon.” –Abigail Gibson, Laurinburg, NC
“It was absolutely breathtaking.” –Anna Grace Wiltshire,
Broadway, NC
“It was overwhelming. I see now why they call it the Grand
Canyon and not the Mediocre Canyon.” –Haven Ballard, Wilmington
“The Grand Canyon is my new favorite thing to stare at. I
could look at that thing forever.” –Audrey Frye, Charlotte
“I wish they would have let us do the 12 mile hike but the
view was breath taking no matter how far we went down the trail.” Hayden
Meadows, Union
“One of the hardest things I have ever done in my life, but
the view was A1!!” Gracie Russell, Wilmington.
“After seeing the canyon I have realized how blessed I
really am to have experienced God’s amazing creation” –Hallie Holt, Cherryville
“It was really big and very overwhelming.” Christopher
Nelli; Greenville, SC
“There are two times in a man’s life when he is permitted to
cry: at a funeral and at the Grand Canyon.
-Ron Swanson”
Harrison Pumphrey, Greenville, NC
“It was so beautiful. I wish I hiked further” Emma White,
Mooresville NC