Day 4- Carlsbad Caverns

Day 4: Carlsbad Caverns

Hey America! We are the Dopeys, your new bloggers! Our names are: Jackson Lamb, Mary Smallwood, Lauren Gold, Sharidan Farris, Alexis Willett, Meredith Bowman, Connor Cook, Hallie Holt, Sam Kaylor, Carter Pratt, Leah Smith, Mary Speaks, Gracie Sciler, and George The Whale.

Today we woke up at THE CRACK OF DAWN aka 5:00…woah bro! Our breakfast this morning was our first served by the Grumpy’s, consisted of muffins and bananas. While we were traveling, we adventured into no mans land where there is nothing but bushes and oil rigs! The sights we saw while traveling were nothing like those of the Carolinas. We traveled across Texas and New Mexico to the Carlsbad Caverns where we smelled lots of bat poop and walked 3 miles under a very HUGE rock! People enjoyed shopping at the gift shop, where lots of stickers and post cards were purchased.

But before the Caverns, the Grumpys served us a traveling lunch of pizza wraps, yum!!! On Carolina Girl, pizza sauce exploded due to the bad road conditions in New Mexico. Meanwhile on the bus, tortillas were forgotten and we had to make a special stop just to get them.

After our daily trip to Wally World, we finally arrived at the New Mexico Military Institute, located in Roswell, New Mexico. This city is known for their weird obsession with aliens and UFO’s. Even the street lights looked like alien heads!!! We were greeted by the school representative, Lt Cl Jeff Cunningham, who informed us about campus life, education, and the cadet high school program.

Tonight we will enjoy tacos on this pretty campus while celebrating KARINA’S 16TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! As we camp out under the stars tonight, we hope to catch a glimpse of the famous Roswell UFO’s! See you tomorrow!! Xoxo, Dopey’s

Our first stop at the "Wagon Wheel Rest Stop" 
Soaking in the AMAZING view at Carlsbad Caverns while trying to avoid the cars! :)

All the bois 

Park Ranger providing us some information

First group in, ... last group out

Starting our expedition into the caverns

Olivia, Hiley and Luke posing in the caverns

Counselors Logan and Heather buying food for the GRAND CANYON HIKE!

Our sleeping grounds for the night!

Fam goals.

Lt.Cl Jeff Cunningham speaking to the group at New Mexico Military Institute

Your sexy bloggers for the next three days.

Setting up teams for ultimate frisbee

On our campsite for the evening

All smiles from Audrey and Gracie

Our cooks prepping for dinner

Grumpy's making our yummy dinner!

Fighting through the bug bites!

Abby and Maddie posing on their beds for the night!

Sam and Carter setting up camp!

Gorgeous sunset at New Mexico Military Institute 

Just chillin' in "ceder rapids" ~ Hillary Clinton

Our delicious, yummy, scrumptious, great, wonderful tacos for dinner.